In January, we received an email from the Director of Western Pennsylvania Humane Society asking for help with Thor. He was left abandoned in an apartment and the landlord found him. The director felt he needed to go to rescue because he may have some medical issues. The vet at the shelter detected a heart murmur and thought he might have a mass in his abdomen. He is approximately 4 years old, weighs 158 lbs, and is doing very well here. Our vet did not detect a heart murmur and, after a series of x-rays, did not see any type of mass in his abdomen. He thinks his spleen may be enlarged a bit. His bloodwork was good but he did test positive for Lymes. We will be treating him with Doxycycline for a month and once he is cleared, he will be neutered.

UPDATE:  Thor was adopted in late April and immediately made friends with their smaller dog, Poppy, pictured here. Thor loves belly rubs and giving paw. It’s bittersweet to see him go, but we know he’ll be very happy.